Monday, September 17, 2012

I'm baaaaack!

Hello Morning Pages, it's your favorite lady, Miss Joanie! I completely abandoned you last week, and I wish I could say that I hadn't. Either way, I'm writing it now so there. I guess part of it was that I was sick, so that was making it hard to do much of anything. Now that I'm feeling better, I'm going to try really hard this week to start doing a healthy routine, which includes an early bedtime, waking up early, morning pages (that's you!), leaving early to work, working out before work, and taking my laptop home if I want to work later so I don't get home at like 9:00, lol. We'll see what happens, but at least that's my goal. They always say it's better if you write it down, so maybe now that I've written it down, it will happen this week! I guess it's mainly about how I choose to do it. I've been pretty good so far, I really hope I can lay the foundation for healthiness this week. I should start off by saying I've been struggling with my faith, but I'm feeling more and more that God is out there and that he's steering me to something good. I guess I have to take it one day at a time. So many good things have come my way, including huge financial blessings, so thank you, God, for those things. I don't deserve any of them, but thank you, thank you! It's much appreciated. I want to do my best with them. Sorry I got a little overboard with spending, lol. Kickstarter is seriously my newest addiction - although I have to admit, I really like being able to help out the little guys. It's like FINALLY my giving is actually helping someone find their dreams. That's enabling others to be creative right? And Artist's Way says  God loves when we're creative. I would assume that also stretches into helping others with their creative potential as well. Either way, good things are about, and I hope they continue.

I'm really interested in Dan from work. I guess you could call it a major crush, lol. It's just I've never met another SEGA fan who was so down-to-earth and willing to try new things/loves to create/likes people/gamer wooo! I absolutely have to be matched with a fellow gamer, although I have to amend that I'm not too keen on MMOs just because they tend to be a time sink. I guess you could say that about any game, but for those it feels especially true just because of how sand-box-y they are - basically you're never, ever done with the game. You either completely burn out (Joanie) or you take a break until the next update that interests you (seemingly everyone else). I like multiplayer aspects, but most of the time, I guess I like my games to be private experiences where I'm the star and driving everything forward. I like having a beginning, middle and end. For me the best games are the ones that come to an end and you're like "aww man I wish there was another level or two."

Anyway, I really hope that I'm not giving off any Amy Rose behavior to Dan, lol. I don't want to come across as a crazy girl -- although I suppose I am to some extent a crazy girl, hahaha! What I mean is I don't want to push him away because I'm like ZOMG BE MY BOYFRIEND FOREVERZ! I mean, I don't even know it will work out. I just enjoy talking to him though. I really want to ask him on a date, but I feel like I should let him do it. Part of me is like "Damn girl, jump on that wagon before someone else steals it!" XD Meaning that if I'm interested I should show it before someone else does. It's a fine line. I'm not even sure if he's interested in me. I always have a hard time knowing, mainly from lack of experience.

I'm really glad the situation with Patrick ended well. I don't know if I'll meet up with him again. Right now I don't have time to invest in another friendship since I have so many. I know I sound haughty but it's true. I have to choose my time wisely. That and he might end up being a creative sink because he's not doing well creatively right now and Artist's Way said to keep your distance from people like that while you're healing yourself. Not to say cut-off communication, but I think they meant don't talk shop with them, because all they will do is complain and/or bring you down with them, even if they don't mean to. Either way, I'm not obligated to respond anymore, so I'm hoping it will die off quietly. That's always the best, I've discovered.

I've been studying some BFG RPGs. Or I guess I should say RPGMaker VX games that are on Big Fish. I've learned a couple of important things, including one from Lisa: "Never have more than 8 words on the screen at a time." For me, it's not so much the number as it is the player's attention and their interest. When the game starts off you have to keep things short and sweet and have it feel like the player is driving the action and decisions. For me, that means a lot of dialogue choices. I really want to make the first hour engaging so much that you want to play some more. I think I want to end the golden hour with saving - omg I blanked on his name - Skyler! And he joins the party and you're off to the desert to find the floating island. I learned from Love's Epitaph that you absolutely have to put in safeguards so your player doesn't get stuck. I knew I had to go into the Thieves' Pub, but once I got in through the back, it was insane. Nothing there. Finally I had to look up a walkthrough and discovered you had to check a random box in the back. Solutions for this? Have them say something each time they enter when they haven't found the box yet. I think that would do it. Or a brief cutscene. Have everyone look around. Even interactive? The first is the quickest, the latters better to try in an early design stage. I'm going to go with Marcie's suggestion and have tons of things for you to pick up. OMG Dreamscape. That one had some doozies too. Especially figuring out where to go. Even the hard mode was a bit too hard. I gotta make sure if I put one in there, that I make sure they can level a bit before they take on the first thing, or something. That one made me pretty frustrated. Also, I loved collecting the balls for powerups - reminds me of Millennium too. It's a great idea and combines a bit of platforming. I think if you can snag a bit of platforming with puzzle-solving you've got the makings of a fun game. Remember the caves from KQ5? Something like that. It's different than the standard: "push the <heavy object> this way" puzzle. I bet I could come up with a few more too. Maybe a levers puzzle? Hahaha NO. I learned that from Caspian. A tile puzzle could be fun. Collect all the pieces and then rearrange them on the floor? It would require some heavy coding, but I bet Chaz could help me out with that. I just have to make sure to make them fun and rewarding. Like Lufia! MAN. I need to replay that one, seriously. I should put it on a list of things to buy on Virtual Console (WOOO KIRBY POINTS!). I think it would be good for me as a designer.

The major thing I need to do for it at the moment is to assess where I am and to come up with a plan of attack. I need to order all of the things I need to do and then make a task list for myself and give myself some finishing dates.  I really want to take advantage of this winter again to work really hard on my game. I got a little bit off because of cons and sickness, but now that I'm back to normal, I'm really confident I will be able to start creating again soon! I'm already feeling the notion to create again. It's just a matter of making time to do it, which is hard now that my schedule is getting a bit tighter. I think I mainly need to give myself some space and focus on weekend work and little bits in-between. It's hard balancing RPG study and creation though.

Another thing I learned is the battle system. That has to be one of the fun points of the game, otherwise grinding and such will be a drag. Also, I'm going to try and avoid grinding, because honestly, it's boring and I don't like it, hahaha! I love the idea of Skyborn's gauntlet.  That was a cool way to grind. Maybe I could have a mine or something? Either way, now I have lots of options, so if I want to work them in now, then now is the time for it.

Oh man! I totally need to have everyone get caught and then you escape as Kitty Crystal and have to get the keys!! That would be an awesome part. Everyone gets to have fun. I want to include Skyler and David in on the fun too. Especially David since he is my guy-in-distress. I want to have him play a vital role so you're like DAMN yeah I want him in my party, lol. Maybe you meet him in the forest when you are little?

Yeah I totally need to have the option to name everyone like Earthbound! Why the hell not? :3 I want to have an optional tutorial level that is backstory for Paige. It's Paige and her dad going hunting in the woods. Maybe they save the Prince or the Prince saves her from a GIANT BEAR. Hells yeah! Then dad comes in and kills it. WOO! Yes, I need to show the parents being awesome too. I gotta think more Hinawa and Flint. Gotta make them appealing. Maybe mom gives you special items? Delicious treats? Maybe Paige has rocky relationship with Mama and then has to go save Daddy? OMG I wish Mom could join the party, haha! Omg wouldn't that be awesome? Take that evil, that's my MOM! :D omg that is pretty cool. I dunno if I can work it into this one, since I have so many already, but I'll keep it in mind either way.

I need to fix up Crystal's storyline too. I gotta make her A.) Extremely cute, and B.) Extremely clumsy and accident prone. It's gotta show in when she's reluctant to visit her hometown (floating island) and when she's dealing with bad guys. But she's also gotta have a big OOPS moment that turns into awesomeness. <3 I'm really excited about her character. I'm still trying to figure out if I should have her transform at any time or just at certain times. I totally want to explore her hopping in Paige's backpack and her cute little head sticking out. Maybe they could combine moves for awesome attacks? :D That would be fun. THROW THE KITTY! MEOOOOOOW! D: She definitely needs to be very very cat-like. In that she is half-cat and likes cat things, like catnip and fish and such. She would do anything for a tasty fish! Which one is her favorite? We can make up a delicacy one XD hahaha! This is great. I'm really enjoying this. I should probably go though, but I think I've come up with a lot of things to consider for today. YAY! :D

Until next time!

- Me

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