Friday, September 7, 2012

hacking up and looking down

But otherwise feeling good! Hahaha! I think I've curbed this sickness in a record 3 days. I'm getting a lot better at getting over colds (surprisingly, given my history). Today it's amalgamated (sp?) in my throat and I took a Mucinex to try and hack it out. Hopefully no one will be like JOANIE FOR GOODNESS SAKES GO HOME! Not that I would be too disappointed if they did, but it's just hard for me to miss work even when I am sick. For that matter, I think everyone else might have already gotten sick if they weren't already. :I Bad excuse, I know, especially since we (the Producers) ate lunch together yesterday, including appetizers, and I didn't have a fork so I finger-fooded it. Yes, that is now a verb. Because. So there.

Anyway, I did really well on the Spirits of Mystery game. I really enjoyed giving the animals and the Princess some personality. I had fun writing the journals for Isa too. I like him, he's a pretty cool evil character, even if he is a bit one-dimensional bwahaha. Some of my favorite villains are like that. *COUGH* ROBOTNIK*COUGH* Excuse me...

Omg, also, Dan is so cute. He sits sort of near me now since I moved. Today I'm bringing him some Sonic and Nights pins from PAX. I kind of want to give him my extra lanyard, but... omg what if something happens to my other one, lol. I'm such a fangirl. I'm particularly proud of the sonic pins since you have to score time under 4:30 to get them and they only had 1000 or so to hand out. A lot, but still. Not everyone got one, and I managed to do it twice because I am awesome. :I I also kick ass at racing games. THANK YOU JENNY! :D Anyway, I'm feeling a little awkward because this is the first guy I've been genuinely interested in and I'm not sure if he's interested back. He's so nice, and he worked for SEGA and his first question to me was what's my favorite Sonic game. I know, right?! No one ever asks me that. I know I'm a super crazy SEGA fangirl, but we have a lot of other stuff in common too, like a love for books (popular fiction!), arcades, and classic games. I'm just nervous because I don't know if I would be stepping on toes if I asked him out instead of me asking him out. I'm getting conflicting advice from everyone. I know I'm as impatient as Sonic, but I'm 29 - I feel like I'm running out of time to find a guy! Anyway, I know that's not the case, but it's just so hard when I finally find someone that I like. I'm always afraid that my Sonic-ness will scare away any potential boyfriends, especially because it's pretty obvious I do have a crush on Sonic. But still, I don't want anyone to have to compete with that, they just have to at least like him enough to tolerate me gushing about him whenever a new game comes out, lol. It's my favorite thing, so I can't help it. He's a part of who I am. Plus, there's more to me than just that, so I'm hoping my guy will see that. It's hard though. I feel like I've failed in a lot of ways in the dating department.

Speaking of which, I have another date tomorrow with a guy I met on OKCupid. At first I was excited, but now with Dan in the picture I feel weird about it. I know I shouldn't put all of my eggs in one basket, but still... Anyway, if it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out. I'm going to give Patrick (that's his name, I think) a shot tomorrow at Gameworks. So long as I'm feeling better anyway. I think as long as I sleep in and rest I should be fine. The good news is that I won't need a ride home because I can catch a bus. I'm also somewhat concerned that he hasn't checked back in to be like, "Hey, we're still meeting up tomorrow, right?" Although I guess it could be that he's nervous too. I dunno. Dating is such a tricky thing, but I guess I don't have to feel like I have to choose permanently. I'm just dating. I have to keep that in mind. It's hard for me because I'm a Taurus and I like having some stability in my relationships. I'm a very committed person. I mean look at how long I lasted with April. Speaking of her, we're working on that in my therapist's office. Not too much has come up about her this week, but that doesn't mean I'm not thinking about her on some level. I guess in some ways I do from time to time. Either way, I'm not leaving Pamela's until I get to the point where I can think on April and not be scared out of my mind that she's going to come seeking vengeance or something like that.

Next weekend is board game night and the half-price book store warehouse sale! I'm going to invite Dan to come with us today, so wish me luck on that. I really hope that he will do both, although I'm certain he will at least to the sale since he loves used books. I mean, who could resist something like that?! I certainly can't! Especially the $20 tote bag for all the books you can fit in it. We're going on Saturday, but still! :D

I feel like I'm losing steam on this one, so I guess I'll wrap it up pretty quick. Thankfully I don't have to go in early to exercise since the gym is closed. (They're painting it today.) So I can take a little bit longer to sit down and work on this. I would have had more time if I hadn't have taken a shower, but trust me, I needed one!

I'm feeling really good at my new job. Finances will be a little tight until my first paycheck, but once I hit the 20th, I'll be solid gold baby! :D I even updated my Fangamer pledge. I just had to get the Starman hoodie - or the other secret one that could be coming out soon. I'm really excited for Shirtness too. I hope we can unlock that, since I'd really like a ladies size.

I want to work more on my game, but this week has been so crazy. I want to start working on it tomorrow. I also have to plan out my artist date. I think I might have to do it tonight. It is Friday, after all, so why not? I'll try to pop into the dollar store tonight and snag a couple of items! It will be super fun. <3

Anyway, I should get going, and hopefully I will have another good day. Yesterday was pretty awesome, especially cause I got a compliment on my story work for Chimeras!!! :D YAY! Good things are ahead.

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